Our journey through the European Alps
After breaking our backs on the floor of our tent for three days in Zell am See, we’re finally heading for some well deserved sleep in Zurich. While traveling through Innsbru
Zernez – the place to lose your mobile phone
After my travels in Slovenia, Monaco and France I still had three travel days left. One day I spent in Bern and at the Oeschinen Lake which I’ve always wanted to visit and fi
The Alps and the Climate
Dear YOALIN Community, I spent the first week of August in the beautiful Chamonix Valley in France. It was a very hot week – a heatwave that lasted around ten days had the Al
Step for the future!
Yoalin, thank you again for the given opportunity to visit these exceptional places in the Alps. We had an amazing time while we were sustainable as possible 😉 See you in
The beauty of travel
Traveling, what an amazing activity. It allows for the discovery of wonderful places, cultures, and foods. Throughout my travels, I met interesting people from around the world. Tr
Wenn eines unserer Ziele nicht mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erreichbar war, griffen wir auf ein anderes Transportmittel zurück: Autostopp. Das Gefühl, mit einem großen
Alpine Italijanska zgodba
Para, sveže testenine, vonj bazilike, česna, vino, pica, kava, zgodovina, Rimljani, Michelangelo, Da Vinci, mafija, mocarela, moda, mandolina, maska, talk show. Veter asociacij z