With Yoalin, CIPRA International and CIPRA's Youth Council CYC want to promote a more climate-friendly, conscious and affordable mobility in the Alps. The first edition was carried out in Summer 2018. Every summer since, it has enabled 100+ young people annually to travel sustainably across the Alps by means of public transport.

Are you wondering, what or who CIPRA is? We are a non-governmental, non-profit, umbrella organisation committed to the protection and sustainable development of the Alps. We carry out projects on many different topics, do political work and a lot of networking with others initiatives, organisations and people in and around the Alpine region. > www.cipra.org 


Travel enthusiasts between the ages of 18 and 27 can apply from May 1st to May 31st for 100 "Yoalin tickets". “Yoalin tickets” consist of a mobile version of the Interrail Global Pass (worth 264.- euros), with which they can travel 7 days within 1 month. They also get a series of other benefits, such as:

  • Invitation to the kick-off event in Slovenia the end of June (travel costs and overnight stay are covered)
  • Invitations to smaller Hub-Events in different Alpine countries to get to know each other, exchange ideas and make contacts (have to be reached with your Yoalin ticket, costs are not covered)
  • Access to the Yoalin community. There you find not only travellers from this year, but also active people from past editions who are still involved in the project. We all have collected helpful tips and special destinations, which are available on this website and shared on social media. The community also exchanges on Slack, so you can ask questions there, find travel buddies and so on.
  • Access internal “Hospitality List”, where past Yoalin participants are available to act as travel guides or hiking companions in their region.

The program also includes a photo and story contest, and the selected travelers receive little helpful and sustainable gadgets for their journey.

What are the criterias and requirements for the application?

Applicants must:

  • be between 18 and 27 years of age
  • be open to new adventures and international exchange
  • be interested in sustainable topics
  • live in the Alps
  • be first-time-Yoalins: If you already received a Yoalin ticket in the past editions, your candidacy won’t be re-considered

The minimum requirements to get the ticket are:

  • pay the contribution of 50 Euros (as a security for us)
  • attendance of the Kick-Off in Ljubljana (SL) or the Online final event
  • Travel within the seven Alpine countries during July, August or September 2024 with your Interrail Global Pass
  • share 3 pictures and the main destinations of your trip on on Slack (internal communication app used for YOALIN)
  • fill in the evaluation at the end of the project in October.


Once selected as Yoalin traveller, you will be asked to transfer a fee of 50 Euro to our bank account, this is a guarantee for us, that you want to take part in YOALIN. So you pay 50 euros and receive an official Interrail Global Pass worth € 264.- (you will not get the 50.- Euros back!).

We would appreciate, if you:

  • use your Interrail Global Pass before the final event in October 2024 to discover the Alps
  • engage in the Yoalin-community on Social Media and on Slack
  • use all means of sutainable transport - trains, busses, bikes, your feet...
  • reflect on the (ecological) footprint, you leave where you travel to and try to keep it small. Find some ideas here under "Travelling”


The application window for YOALIN  2024 opens May 1st. Please answer the questions in the form honestly and it also helps, if you elaborate a little bit and do not enter monosyllabic answers. If you do not feel comfortable writing in English, it is possible for you to answer in one of the alpine languages (German, French, Italian, Slovene).

Our Yoalin-jury, consisting of so called Yoalin ambassadors (former Yoalin travellers), choose 100 people from all the applicants. They will be notified by email by June 5th


You can only apply for one ”Yoalin ticket”. If you want to travel in pairs or a group, each person has to fill out the form. You can mention your companion(s) there, the jury will consider this, but it is not a given that everyone get's a ticket.


We ask you to stay within the Alpine countries (Monaco, France, Italy, Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland) and discover this beautiful region. Get some hints under our "Places to see" or the Stories from other Yoalins.

By the way: Sustainable, slow mobility is gaining momentum. This summer is the right time to (re)discover the bike! So travel across the Alps on two wheels, you can use the Yoalin ticket also to get your bike on the train. 

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us!