Photo collection – Felix Rother
Picture 1/Title: Four gradients
“Four gradients” was shot near Kranjska Gora ( at the dry riverbed of “Pisnica River”. Normally, this place is at least halfway flooded during late summer, but due to ongoing climate stress and less rain in the summer months, in 2021 this riverbed was almost completely dry, leaving the scene with a surreal colour gradient. It changes from strong blue in the sky to the blue-ish coloured “Razor”, before the contrast between dark evergreen trees and the dry, white riverbank paints the lower half of the frame.
Picture 2: Powering the stone spirits
During a slow walk from our accommodation to the nearby waterfall, I stumbled across a field of stone towers along the bed of the stream, powered by the roaring waterfall ( in the background. Almost silently, the water from the top of the mountains makes its way through a gorge and fits right between the cold walls and the stone towers, warmed by the sunrays. Apparently, locals meet here to build new stone towers every now and then and I too built some, just to be part of this random tradition.
Picture 3: Wet
On a hot summer day and after an exhausting walk through a forest and along a river, the almost holy Pericnik Waterfall ( was finally reached. While the waterfall itself was spectacular indeed, the water falling from the partly eroded bedrock was what fascinated me the most. I was able to walk behind the waterfall, but taking pictures in between was barely possible due to the splashing rain from above, possibly ruining every equipment. This place however was the best shower I’ve never had before.
Pictures and stories by Felix Rother