Two buddies at the wayside
Triglav National Park _Felix Gerthenrich
The longest Hiker’s Diary
[06:00] I’m the last one getting up in my room in the mountain hut this morning, triggered by the others to finally get ready for hiking. [6:30] Sunrise is at 6:46 and so I&#
Dream of the Thoune Lake
Dream of the Thoune Lake Photo: Anaëlle Rapet
What a wonderful journey
What a wonderful journey in the Bernina Express, august 2022 Photo: Anaëlle Rapet
La traversée des sens
Ce qui m’a le plus marqué ce sont les odeurs. La délicieuse senteur du café chaud en début de journée en traversant la première classe. Le remugle des sièges dans les
These three images are composed in a very specific order of three. They document highlights from my three Yoalin trips that manifest a sort of “pilgrimage.” The first i
A journey Of people to unknown Of valleys and mountains _Anaëlle Rapet