is from Italy, Chiavenna and currently studying in Spain
During my Yoalin travel
...I visited the alpine region of France (Grenoble, Chambéry, Annecy), Switzerland (Bulle, Bern, Interlaken, Luzern and Zürich) and Austria (Innsbruck, Salzburg and Vienna).
I won't ever forget...
...getting for my first time alone to a peak in Chamechaude, but the best YOALIN memory will always be all the people I knew.
The Yoalin project...
...made us feel members of a huge group of people with common interests. I could say YOALIN is above all a great community, that shares values on travel and sustainability in the best way, that is with direct experience.

If you are a journalist or content creator, feel free to use these quotes. If you want to know more about Tyler’s experiences, write us! We will get you in touch…